As a part of our Suite of X-Ray Services, PMX also is able to provide to your Center or office Lead aprons and thyroid shields enough for the entire procedure staff and more if needed on the day that it is needed. No need to store and maintain your own rack of aprons unless that is your choice. PMX aprons consist primarily of a lead equivalent, light, Back Relief Apron style and some Vest/Skirt Combo styles. Most doctors and staff prefer to wear our aprons over their own because of the light-weight feel.

As per our RADSAF radiation Safety Program – our apron checks are done on a yearly basis; x-rayed for rips, tears, pin holes, etc. You can be sure you are receiving full protection.
The typical lead apron and thyroid shield that PMX provides is made of Barrier Technologies super lightweight 0.35mm lead equivalent Ultraflex antibacterial, stain resistant material. This unique Ultraflex fabric protects healthcare practitioners from all types of occupational hazards by being completely impervious to liquids thus eliminating stains and exposure to hazardous fluids produced during procedures.
The Barrier Technologies UltraFlex Technology provides maximum protection against harmful ionizing radiation while providing the wearer a quality look, lightweight, stain resistant material that is also anti-bacterial and flexible to wear and easy to clean. Barrier Technologies products are proudly made in the USA and is made with trusted quality as they control all aspects of the manufacturing process.
PMX provides the Barrier Technology ‘Adjustable Flex with belt’. This apron provides even weight distribution for less stress on the neck and back, velcro shoulder straps to help prevent slippage and a 6″ fully adjustable wide elastic belt to shift the weight of the apron from the shoulder to the hips.

PMX is a proud reseller of Barrier technologies lead aprons, eye-wear and radiation protection accessories. We are able to provide you with a large list of options for lead aprons, barriers and general Radiation Safety related products at a PMX Discounted Rate. Please ask.
If you are interested in purchasing or learning more about our Lead Aprons and Lead Protective devices please Contact Us now